Friday, September 4, 2009

Spliish Plone buildout for shared plone hosting

I'm doing an early release of a little pet project.
The Spliish hosting platform will hopefully, help to simplify the setup and management of a zope server which hosts multiple Plone instances.

I've already used it in one production project, but it needs some more "love".
spliish logo
My first step is to place the code in the collective so that other Plonistas can tinker with it.

Get more info in the README file.
or visit the wiki.

The project has 4 specific goals all of them to support a site administrator

An administrator should be able to do the following with ease:

  1. add new domains and subdomains (works reasonably)
  2. add and "compile" custom themes and associate them with specific plone instances (todo)
  3. add new add-on products (todo)
  4. backup site data and configurations (todo)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Logo looks like a broken heart with text. Why not just ditch the broken heart and just go with text. .. just my two cents

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