update: I was able to get it to successfully install on OS X Leopard by "downgrading" to macpython 2.6.2. Will need to try the same on Linux.
Important notes:
- Use Python 2.6 less than Python 2.6.3 (so 2.6.2 and 2.6.1 should work) (thanks to esteele for the tip)
- Make sure all the supporting python 2.6 packages are installed
On Solaris this includes SUNWPython26 and SUNWPython26-setuptools (you may possibly also need SUNWPython26-extra)
Get PIL installed
Following a tip from speedbreeze. As the root user run the following command:
easy_install-2.6 -i http://dist.serverzen.com/pypi/simple PILwoTK
Checkout the source, bootstrap and build
svn co http://svn.plone.org/svn/plone/buildouts/plone-coredev/branches/4.0/ plone4
cd plone4
python2.6 bootstrap.py
I was then able to launch Plone 4:
bin/instance fg
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