This poster is meant to keep developers on the "golden path" it is based on tips from Eleddy's Everything you never wanted to know about Plone 5. I'm hoping it will steer developers (old and new) in the right direction. There are really 6 tips, but 5 for Plone 5 sounds so much better than 6 for Plone 5, so I sneakily combined 2 tips :).
Great, Do you have the image source file for make a Spanish translation?
Sure.. I can share it with you :)
1, 2, 3, 4 .. been doing that since mid of last year :P ..
5.. erm, while i agree with z3c.form .. for z3c.jbot, at first i used diazo to redraw content / portlet templates .. but the rules become complex and hard to maintain after large number of xsl:if .. overriding with jbot is much cleaner and easier to maintain ..
I overstated the z3c.jbot thing. In the original post it suggested taking a hard look at your use of z3c.jbot.
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