Saturday, October 30, 2010

A nicer way to manage translations - infrae.i18nextract

I've been introduced to infrae.i18nextract by thomas_w (that's his IRC nick).

If you're familiar with buildout it's as simple as adding the following to you buildout.
The example below is specific to how I added the i18nextract to manage translation strings on

parts =

recipe = infrae.i18nextract
packages =
output =
output-package =
domain =
extra-paths = ${buildout:directory}../Python-2.6/lib/python2.6

After running bin/buildout the result was two new scripts, the output looks similar to this:

To do the translation extraction run the following:

Doing the translation
To do the translation run bin/translation-extract
The translations will be sent to the defined output directory in this case the locales directory
of the themeeditor add-on, see the output below:

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