I thought it would be worth keeping, so I've "re-blogged" it here (am I allowed to do that?)
Got an email from a client this morning saying their site was inaccessible. After a bit of poking around, it was clear that the problem was related to Apache. I'm sure this will help someone else, so I'm blogging it.
I attempted to bring it backup using the init.d system (the message is outlined below):
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Forcing reload of web server: Apache2 ...
no pidfile found! not running?(98)Address
already in use: make_sock: could not bind
to address [::]:443
no listening sockets available, shutting
Unable to open logs
Weird enough error!!!
Some process was hanging on
to port 443.
My approach:
I checked to see if apache-ssl had been started by accident using `/etc/init.d/apache-ssl stop`. This was not the problem.
I used the netstat command to see if 443 was indeed in use:
netstat -a |grep 443
ff (0.00/0/0) tcp6 422 0
ESTABLISHEDkeepalive? (7158.57/0/0)
It was... I wasn't sure what was using it
Tried to use `fuser` to do further diagnosis:
fuser -n tcp 443
443/tcp: 5603
The result suggested that the process using port 443 was PID 5603 Due to lack of time (websites need to stay up) I had to just kill PID 5603.
Tried `kill 5603` but it stayed up, so I had to use a kill -9:
kill -9 5603
Then started apache2:
/etc/init.d/apache2 start
Back up and running :)
Would be nice to somehow make all of this into a script :)
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